Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day 9: In their shoes

The challenge for both today was to imagine myself in the others' shoes. I think any mother or wife can benefit from doing this for a whole day or even for just a few minutes. I also joke about E and how I wish the hardest part of my day was deciding what jelly to have on sandwich or someone telling me to sleep. And truthfully, as an adult, wouldn't that be nice. But sometimes I just need to stop for a moment and realize that those ARE challenges for him. Those things are difficult in his world. Because I've outgrown the feeling that those things are difficult, it's easy for me to become frustrated and say "E, would you just CHOOSE already!" or "E, for heaven's sakes, GO TO SLEEP." But I sure would hate it if someone said, "Hey, you, do the freakin' laundry. It's not that hard." I need to try harder to remember that even if I think something seems easy, to his little mind it is a HUGE task. Patience will follow.
As for the Hubs, I definitely need to put myself in his shoes more often. I don't often give him the credit he deserves. Granted, I still think being a stay at home mom is THE hardest job EVER, but he works really dang hard for our family too. Kade works at least 6 days a week, sometimes working two jobs in one day. And while his day job is not physically taxing, it's mentally taxing, and I sometimes forget that. He's a great man, and he does a lot for our family. I'm lucky to have him. A single parent I could not be.

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