Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 7: Dear Easton...

Today's challenge is to leave a sweet note for both of my boys. Easton can't read, so I'm writing this post for him. Someday he'll read it, and it will bless us.

Dear Easton
Right now at this moment you are upstairs asleep in my bed. It was a fight for me to get you to sleep. I think someday it will be a fight to get you out of bed. I don't know how old you will be when you read this, or if you ever will, but it's important for me to write this letter to you now, while you're so young. You are nearly 3 1/2 years old right now. You are such a sweet little boy. I love you so much that sometimes I feel like my heart might really explode. I'm trying to think about what you might need me to say to you (the future you) when you read this. I hope you know how loved you are. I hope I tell you everyday. I hope you tell me everyday. You are the best brother I have ever seen. I hope that you still read to Alivia. I hope you still tell her she's gorgeous. I hope you still feel extreme joy whenever she smiles just for you. You've recently become  such a Daddy's boy. I hope you still look forward to seeing him everyday. I hope you still look just like him. Secretly, I hope you still team up with him to make me nuts. The thing I love most about you right now is your contagious excitement for the little things in life.  I feel so blessed to have you. Last night, I was telling Dada how awesome you are and how cool it is that we got to have kids in these days. Let me explain...Think of all the millions and billions of people that have already come this world. Daddy and I got to have the most special babies, because you were so great and so strong that Heavenly Father waited until these times to send you here. That shows that you are an extraordinary little person. You're so stubborn, and though that makes me crazy sometimes, I know that it means you will be stubborn about other things in life and this is a trait you will need to have as you grow. Please, be strong. Please, be courageous. Remember that you belong to a Chosen Generation. You will witness great things in your life. You will DO great things in your life. I am already so proud of you. You are my first born, my son. You will always be special to me. I love you to end of the world.
Love, Mama.

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