Monday, April 30, 2012

Take the challenge

Some days having a 3 year old is particularly difficult. I'm not sure what's going on in E's world at the moment that is causing his behavior, but I do know that he's a little (a lot) off this week. Think non-stop tantrums, screaming, "NO!", and fighting. It's been rough. Days Weeks like this I find myself feeling pretty beaten down by the end of the day. I can handle it for one day....but two, three, four, a week and I begin to throw all of my good mommy skills out the window. Each day ends with me feeling about a million times worse than the one before, because I KNOW I did not live up to my end of the parenting deal that day. Now, I'm not looking for a bunch of comments reassuring me that I'm doing a great job. I know that Easton still loves me and he knows that I still love him. I just want us to act like it. So I'm taking the 30 day mom challenge. You can see it here. I'll be documenting my journey each day to reflect on what I've learned from each day's challenge. I encourage you all to try it too. Tomorrow is the 1st of the month so it's the perfect day to get started. The tasks should be fairly simple but worthwhile. Also, because I know that I cannot be a good mother without being a good wife first, I'm also going to do the 30 day marriage challenge at the same time. Why not? You can see that challenge here. I'm sure my son and my husband won't even know half the time what the daily challenge is, but this is more for me. Here's to May.....

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